Frequently Asked Questions

Caregiver Candidates

You can apply to Signer Travel by either submitting your CV by emailing it to one of our Overseas team at who will then call you back and discuss your options further. Alternatively. call our Head Office on +254722 204 266 and we will be more than happy to assist you.

All our candidates are paid monthly, on the same date each month directly into your bank account.

Yes. You will receive a full training Induction before you go out on the field and begin working. You will complete an Induction Framework for Adult Social Care. This includes the Common Eight Standards, and the following modules: Equality and Diversity Adult Safeguarding (SOVA) Health and Safety Risk Management Fire Awareness Infection Control Moving and Handling Emergency First Aid Person Centred Care Planning and Dementia.

The minimum requirement Is 42 working hours per week. There is no upper limit on how many hours you may work. There may be opportunities to work more hours, at the discretion of the manager.

Our agencies will help sort out your accommodation. You may be in shared accommodation, or you may be living alone depending on the situation and location.